The Grand Chef is a culinary Korean drama airing on local DTV
station WTVI channel 42.2!
I can't believe I have Korean dramas on my local stations.
Thank you so very much WTVI!!
It airs every Monday morning at 4:00 am, and the first episode was this morning.
It has english subs so tune it in, you will get hooked just like I am.
Just after that show was the following comedy/drama...
I Love You is a Korean comedy/drama
on local DTV channel WTVI 42.2!
The first episode aired this morning and airs every monday morning at 5:00 am.
I like it! However I have to get ready for work during that time,
so it's time to hook up the old DTV antenna to the DVR
so I can watch it when I get home.
BTW: it also has english subs